pull streams
This post is part of a series:
- Pull Streams (current)
- Rust Streams
Streams are an asynchronous abstraction that allows dealing with large data sets in small chunks, pushing bottlenecks into the IO layer. This usually leads to less memory cost and increased performance, which is a very good thing.
In streams, data flows from a Source, through a bunch of Through streams, into a Sink:
┌────────┐ ┌─────────┐ ┌────────┐
│ Source │──▶│ Through │──▶│ Sink │
└────────┘ └─────────┘ └────────┘
Node has shipped streams as part of its standard library since its early days. However with each release, new features, APIs and concepts were added, making the current implementation very unwieldy. In my years as a Node developer I’ve only met a handful of developers that felt comfortable using the current version of Node streams. In an ideal world streams would be used as much in Node as pipes are used in shell.
Enter pull-streams
pull-stream is an alternative model for streams created by Dominic Tarr. Like Node streams, it has a concept of backpressure. This means that instead of a source pushing out data as fast as it can, the consumer stream pulls data once it’s ready to handle more. This leads to a program never holding more data in memory than it needs.
The Node streams source is well over 1200 lines, without even accounting for
dependencies. The pull-stream
source is just 28 lines, which is a whopping
module.exports = function pull (a) {
if (typeof a === 'function' && a.length === 1) {
return function (read) {
var args = [].slice.call(arguments)
return pull.apply(null, args)
var read = a
var n = arguments.length
var i = 1
if (read && typeof read.source === 'function') {
read = read.source
for (; i < n; i++) {
var s = arguments[i]
if (typeof s === 'function') {
read = s(read)
} else if (s && typeof s === 'object') {
read = s.source
return read
Don’t be fooled by the simple exterior though, pull-stream
provides the same
functionality as Node streams do. With fewer lines of code there’ll be less
bugs, and room to optimize every last bit of code.
Pull-stream types
In pull-streams there are 3 types of streams: source, through and sink. In order to let data flow, a source and sink must be connected. Through streams are combinations of sources and sinks, making every connection in the pipeline a source and a sink that talk to each other. Conceptually it looks like this:
┌──────┐ ┌──────┐ ┌──────┐ ┌──────┐
│Source│──▶│ Sink │ ┌▶│ Sink │ ┌▶│ Sink │
└──────┘ ├──────┤ │ ├──────┤ │ └──────┘
│Source│─┘ │Source│─┘
└──────┘ └──────┘
Through Through
If a source and a through stream are connected they will not start emitting data until a sink is attached at the end. Likewise, if a through and sink are connected, they will not start flowing data until a source is attached at the start. This allows composition of arbitrary streams into pipelines similar to what pumpify provides for Node streams.
s use the pull()
function to combine sinks and sources. Because
sinks connect to sources, any number of streams can be connected. It’s
functional composition all the way.
Duplex (through) streams are objects that have a .source
and .sink
on them. The following three methods of connecting pull-stream
s are equivalent:
pull(a.source, b.sink)
pull(b.source, a.sink)
pull(a, b, a)
Helper functions
ships with helper functions such as asyncMap
that make common
interactions trivial. See the docs for available
Let’s create a basic map-reduce pipeline using asyncMap
where we
asynchronously fs.stat
an array of files, and gather the results in an array:
const pull = require('pull')
const fs = require('fs')
const source = pull.values([ './file1', './file2', './file3' ])
const through = pull.asyncMap(fs.stat)
const sink = pull.collect(function (err, array) {
if (err) return console.error(err)
pull(source, through, sink)
Because under the hood we’re just composing functions, the overhead of doing this is reduced to a bare minimum.
Error handling
In Node streams errors don’t propagate through .pipe()
chains. It’s therefore
common practice to either use helper libraries or attach a .on('error')
listener to every stream. Getting errors wrong is not a great feeling.
In pull-stream
s errors are passed into the callback, which grinds the whole
stream pipeline to a halt. It’s again the familiar API of cb(err)
for an
error and cb(null, value)
for success.
Here’s a source stream that returns a single fs.stat
const fs = require('fs')
function readFile (filename) {
var read = false // keep track if we've executed the action
return function source (end, cb) {
if (end) return cb(end) // stop signal was passed, stop doing things
if (read) return cb(true) // we're done with fs.stat, stop doing things
fs.stat(filename, function (err, file) {
if (err) return cb(err) // ohey, an error
read = true // mark that we've executed the action
return cb(null, file) // pass value down the pipeline
Wrapping it up
And that’s it. I could keep whipping out pull-stream
examples, but I think
we’ve made our point: streams are a cool idea; pull-stream
is a neat
implementation. If you’re keen to learn more, take a look at the links below.
I hope this was useful; give pull-stream
a try let me know how you go! -Yosh